Wednesday, June 18, 2008

:- O

Life after uni.. Hmm,I am not working YET. I am so broke and im stucked at home. Can't complain though,tak baik.hehe. Daily chores keep my hands full at least,rather than moping around all day long. I am happy to say that i have learned how to cook these days:) With fuel prices shooting up, so will the rest later on. I promised Mummy that I will cook simple dishes no matter what,we can save a loooot just y doing that. It's healthier though not as tasty as some eateries. Besides that , Im also the 'Debra',as Ayin called me. Driving,cruising around in search of baking supplies, go to the pasar,cake deliveries to the cafe,send Ayin to tuition almost4 times a week. Not too bad i guesss.
And when i am freaking bored,turn my lappie on,and surf the net here we go go!

Hope i'l start work soon. I cant stand waiting for too long. My mind can go numb as I am not being productive.
